Dop-IOS MOD V10 công cụ đa năng

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Thành viên lâu năm
Dop-IOS MOD V10 là một Homebrew cho phép thực hiện 6 chức năng cụ thể.

1.Install any IOS

2.Install any channel

3.Install any system menu

4.Install an IOS that accepts fakesigning on a Wii that doesn't have one (you can use SD, USB, or NUS to do this)

5.Detect and delete stubbed IOSs

6.Display your Wii's boot2 information

Có thể sử dụng Wiimote,classic controller, or gamecube controller.

ngoài ra còn thêm chức năng Trutra Bug Restore,sau đó cập nhật 4.1 online hoặc offline.Mình đã thử khá hay khi nào rảnh sẽ post bài hướng dẫn cụ thể.



Thành viên lâu năm
Dop-IOS v12(beta) với nhiều chức năng quan trọng.Bây giờ bạn có thể dùng nó cho rất nhiều công việc Mod Wii.
-có thể downgrade hay update online hay offline mọi phiên bản.
-chạy TruCha Bug
-cài các channel
-Update boot2
-Backup preloader trước khi update,downgrade FW sau đó restore lại.

v12 (BETA)

IOS Menu Changes

* You can now select what version of an IOS you want to install. Including Stubbed IOSes if you want to revirginize your Wii.
o NOTE: Just because the option is available to install any IOS version. Not all Wiis will support the lower IOS versions.
* Uninstall IOS feature
* Added BC & MIOS Support
* Menu now driven by a homegrown title database. It now knows what IOS versions can have what patches applied to them.
* IOSes can now be installed into empty Slots. To perform the install Hold A then press +.

Channels Menu

* Can now be installed via WAD. Menu will tell you the WAD Filename it requires. If the Channel requires 2 different titles it will display both WAD filenames.

System Menu

* You can now upgrade or downgrade to ANY System Menu version.
o NOTE It is not recommended to downgrade below 3.2 if you have a newer Wii. Rule of thumb is if you can't install BootMii as Boot2 then you should not go below 3.2.
* Installer will check to make sure you have the correct IOS with the correct IOS Version installed before installing the selected system menu. If the IOS is not installed, it will prompt and install the IOS.
* If Priiloader is installed, it will temporarily backup Priiloader. It will prompt you at the end of the System Menu installation if you would like to restore Priiloader.
* Can now be installed via WAD. Menu will tell you the WAD Filename it requires. If IOS is required it will also provide the IOS WAD filename.

Boot2 Menu

* Yes there is now Boot2 Upgrade Support. We were requested to add it in. I would like to give a special thanks to Bushing for providing me the ES_ImportBoot code to ensure that Boot2 gets updated properly. If you are already at Boot2v4 you will not get the option to upgrade as you are already at the latest version.
o NOTE: If you have BootMii installed as Boot2. Beyond our control it will wipe it out. You will need to reinstall BootMii as Boot2 after Boot2 has been upgraded.
o NOTE: As a reminder, when your boot2 is upgraded, it CANNOT be downgraded.

Other Changes

* Removed USB 2.0 checking from SysCheck.
* Because of new Title Database. SysCheck now reports on all Installed NON-STUBBED IOSes.
* SysCheck will now ask where you want to save the report.
* Added a config file with the following tags.
o alternateURL: This will allow you to specify an alternate url to try downloading the NUS files. If it cannot find the file or has troubles connecting to the alternate url then it will fallback to NUS. If the files are cache it will try and load the cached files before attemping to download from ALT or NUS.
+ Example: http://myserver/nus/{TITLEID1}{TITLEID2}v{VERSION}
+ Example: http://myserver/{TITLEID1}{TITLEID2}
o cacheFolder: You can now specify where the files are to be cached. This can be stored on either on SD or USB. If the setting is blank or does not exist. No Caching will take place.
+ Example: sd:/nus/{TITLEID1}/{TITLEID2}/v{VERSION}
+ Example: usb:/nus/{TITLEID1}/TITLEID2}/v{VERSION}
o defaultIOS: You can now specify what the default IOS will be when it shows the initial IOS Selection Screen.
o TAG Definitions
+ {TITLEID1} : if TitleId is 0000000100000024. TITLEID1 is 00000001
+ {TITLEID2} : if TitleId is 0000000100000024. TITLEID2 is 00000024
+ {VERSION} : Version of title (Optional)
Dowload : MOD

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