Mình xin bổ sung thêm cheat của game Kamen Rider Dragon Knight luôn nha , tại mình kiếm được trên google nên không biết dịch ^^! sorry nha , nhưng mấy từ tiếng Anh cũng dễ lắm không sao ^^!
Unlockable: Level Rewards
Perform the following actions to unlock various things.
Dragon Knight:
* 1-5 - Strike Vent
* 2-5 - Guard Vent
* 3-5 - Kamen Rider Incisor
* 4-5 - Copy Vent
* 5-5 - Confine Vent
* 6-5 - Freeze Vent
* 7-5 - Survive Mode
* 8-5 - Steal Vent
* 9-5 - Place Park
* 10- - Strange Vent
Wing Knight:
* 1-5 - Guard Vent
* 2-5 - Copy Vent
* 3-5 - Trick Vent
* 4-5 - Kamen Rider Torque
* 5-5 - Freeze Vent
* 6-5 - Nasty Vent
* 7-5 - Survive Card
* 8-5 - Steal Vent
* 9-5 - Confine Vent
* 10-5 - Strange Vent
Unlockable: Characters
You can unlock characters in Ventara Mode. A fifth EX Mission is at the end of each level. Completing EX Missions unlocks the character that you fought in that particular mission. While some characters can only unlock one Rider / enemy in their campaign, others can unlock multiple Riders / enemies.
* Dragon Knight unlocks Incisor - Mission 3-5
* Wing Knight unlocks Torque - Mission 4-5
* Incisor unlocks Red Minion - Mission 1-5
* Incisor unlocks Sting - Mission 3-5
* Incisor unlocks Thrust - Mission 4-5
* Torque unlocks Strike - Mission 7-5
* Sting unlocks Buzzstinger Hornet - Mission 2-5
* Sting unlocks Axe - Mission 3-5
* Sting unlocks White Minion - Mission 9-5
* Thrust unlocks Camo - Mission 4-5
* Thrust unlocks Buzzstinger Wasp - Mission 8-5
* Strike unlocks Siren - Mission7-5
* Axe unlocks Zebraskull Iron - Mission 2-5
* Axe unlocks Buzzstinger Bee - Mission 4-5
* Camo unlocks Buzzstinger Bloom - Mission 4-5
* Camo unlocks Spear - Mission 6-5
* Spear unlocks Buzzstinger Frost - Mission 6-5
* Spear unlocks Megazelle - Mission 7-5
* Siren unlocks Zebraskull Bronze - Mission 6-5
* Siren unlocks Onyx - Mission 8-5
* Onyx unlocks DiSpider - Mission 3-5
* Onyx unlocks Wrath - Mission 8-5
* Wrath unlocks Blue Minion - Mission 9-5
* Xaviax is unlocked when Ventara Mode has been completed with all characters.
Unlockable: Cards
At the end of each Ventara Mode level is an EX Mission. Completing these unlocks Cards:
Dragon Knight Card Unlocks:
* Strike Vent - Mission 1-5
* Guard Vent - Mission 2-5
* Copy Vent - Mission 4-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 6-5
* Survive Card - Mission 7-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 8-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 10-5
Wing Knight Card Unlocks:
* Guard Vent - Mission 1-5
* Copy Vent - Mission 2-5
* Trick Vent - Mission 3-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 5-5
* Nasty Vent - Mission 6-5
* Survive Card - Mission 7-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 8-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 9-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 10-5
Incisor Card Unlocks:
* Guard Vent - Mission 2-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Copy Vent - Mission 6-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 8-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 9-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 10-5
Torque Card Unlocks:
* Strike Vent - Mission 1-5
* Guard Vent - Mission 2-5
* Copy Vent - Mission 3-5
* Shoot Vent - Mission 4-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 6-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 9-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 10-5
Sting Card Unlocks:
* Copy Vent - Mission 4-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 5-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 6-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 7-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 10-5
Thrust Card Unlocks:
* Copy Vent - Mission 3-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 6-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 9-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 10-5
Strike Card Unlocks:
* Confine Vent - Mission 1-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 2-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 3-5
* Copy Vent - Mission 4-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 10-5
Axe Card Unlocks:
* Copy Vent - Mission 3-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 6-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 8-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 10-5
Spear Card Unlocks:
* Freeze Vent - Mission 2-5
* Copy Vent - Mission 4-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 9-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 10-5
Camo Card Unlocks:
* Steal Vent - Mission 2-5
* Copy Vent - Mission 3-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 7-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 8-5
* Clear Vent - Mission 10-5
Siren Card Unlocks:
* Guard Vent - Mission 2-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 3-5
* Copy Vent - Mission 4-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 7-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 10-5
Wrath Card Unlocks:
* Copy Vent - Mission 3-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 4-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Guard Vent - Mission 6-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 7-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 8-5
Onyx Card Unlocks:
* Guard Vent - Mission 2-5
* Copy Vent - Mission 4-5
* Confine Vent - Mission 5-5
* Strike Vent - Mission 6-5
* Freeze Vent - Mission 7-5
* Steal Vent - Mission 9-5
* Strange Vent - Mission 10-5
Còn đây là hình ảnh của các chú siêu nhân mình post lên để các bạn tiện biết được tên nào là của chú siêu nhân nào ^^!